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  1. Format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

  2. General Assembly, UNHRC, Security Council, and NATO Members:

    This simulation will be open to all states. Reminder: China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and United States are all permanent members of the Security Council with veto power. We try to give schools their top delegation preferences when available but countries are assigned on a “first come, first served” basis. Schools with more than one delegation are required to represent at least one less-developed state.

    Caveat, schools are limited to representing only one Security Council member so that more schools have a chance to participate on the SC. 

    If there are extra SC members available in October, Registered schools will be notified of this option so that we may have a complete SC.

    See the countries and Committees available to choose from here


    The order in which you select a country will determine its ranking preference, with the first having highest rank.

    Delegation 1

    Delegation 2

    Delegation 3

    Delegation 4

    Delegation 5

  3. Feel free to list alternate countries in the space above (include your choice and delegation number)

  1. General Assembly:

    The topic areas for this year’s General Assembly are “Restitution or Return of Cultural Property to Countries of Origin” and “Protection of Agricultural Resources During War”. There are two (2) concurrent General Assembly simulations and each school should have at least one person in each simulation.

    UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC):

    The topic areas for simulation are “Access to Clean Water” and “Reexamination of the 1948 Genocide Convention”. There are two (2) concurrent HRC simulations and each school should have at least one person in each simulation.

    Security Council:

    The topic areas for the Security Council this year are “Children in Armed Conflict” and “Stability in Central Africa”. This year the Security Council will include the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Myanmar, South Sudan, and Syria as part of its deliberations. These additional countries that are not members of the Security Council may discuss, persuade, cajole, speak during both formal and informal sessions, and vote on procedural motions. However, these non Security Council members cannot vote on the final resolutions being put to a vote. As always, additional countries that are not on the Security Council but are relevant to Security Council discussions may be called into the session to present their side of events and to answer questions asked by Security Council members. There are three (3) concurrent Security Council simulations and each school should have at least one person in each simulation.

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Westward Expansion of Russia (Crisis)

    This simulation will feature all 32 member states plus 4 Observers. The Observers will include Belarus, People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. These additional countries that are not members of NATO may discuss, persuade, cajole, speak during both formal and informal sessions, and vote on procedural motions. However, these non NATO members cannot vote on the final resolutions being put to a vote, and have no veto power. Additional countries that are not on the NATO but are relevant to NATO discussions may be called into the session to present their side of events.

    Conference Fees:

    The Delegate fee for participation in this year’s High School conference is a flat $25 per student. There is no fee for delegations.


    If you receive a Security Council country and/or a country that is on the UNHCR and/or NATO you must have enough students to represent the country - two (2) students, one for each of the two concurrent General Assembly sessions, three (3) students for the three Security Council simulations if your country is on it, two (2) student for the UNHRC simulation, and one (1) student for the NATO simulation if your country is on all of them. So potentially you would need eight (8) students.

    Delegates will be working individually and delegation fees are non-refundable.

    Please contact Dr. Roberg if your school would like to bring more than five delegations. We will try to accommodate if possible.

  1. If you have further questions please contact:

    Dr. Jeffrey L. Roberg
    Carthage College
    2001 Alford Park Drive
    Kenosha, WI 53140
