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Student presentations must have a faculty sponsor.

Abstracts must include a title and a description of the research, scholarship, or creative work. The description should be 150-225 words in length and constructed in a format or style appropriate for the presenter’s discipline.

The following points should be addressed within the selected format or style for the abstract:

  • A clear statement of the problem or question you pursued, or the scholarly goal or creative theme achieved in your work.
  • A brief comment about the significance or uniqueness of the work.
  • A clear description of the methods used to achieve the purpose or goals for the work.
  • A statement of the conclusions, results, outcomes, or recommendations, or if the work is still in progress, the results you expect to report at the event.

Presenter photographs should be head and shoulder shots comparable to passport photos.

Additional Information

More information is available at The following are members of the Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Committee who are eager to listen to ideas and answer questions:

  • Jun Wang
  • Kim Instenes
  • John Kirk
  • Nora Nickels
  • Andrew Pustina
  • James Ripley


  Title Lead Presenter
1 A study of the antioxidant and caffeine content in tea Ehlert, Amanda
2 A Content Analysis Of Ostrem, Amanda
3 A Man, His Mouse, and An Empire: Exploring the Success of the Walt Disney Corporation Davis, Cayla
4 A Synopsis of the British Slave Trade Triplett, Herbert
5 Academic Self-Concept Predicts Grade Point Average and Course Grade in Carthage College Freshman Rademacher, David
6 An Analysis of Human Perceptions of the American Black Bear in Florida and Tennessee Foley, Nicole
7 An examination of the relationship between deadlift and 60 foot sprint time in Division III softball players. Michuda, Jennifer
8 An In-Depth Analysis of the Singleton: Gordonia Phage Apricot Cornell, Brody
9 Analysis of pigment regeneration in a GNAQ Q209L zebrafish model of melanoma Muske, Josey
10 Assessing the Effect of Flow Rate on The Growth of Lettuce in Three Aquaponics Systems Ganzke, Erin
11 Attachment Styles and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Allen, Grace
12 Behaviorally Inhibited Individuals Exhibit Greater Minute Ventilation and Breathing Frequency Than Non-Inhibited Individuals When Breathing 4.5% CO2 Evenhouse, Annika
13 Behaviorally Inhibited Individuals Exhibit Greater Minute Ventilation and Breathing Frequency Than Non-Inhibited Individuals When Breathing 7.0% CO2 Versus 4.5% CO2 Nicosia, Timothy
14 Best Way To Motivate Employees Romanovic, Maja
15 Canopy Near-infrared Observing Project (CaNOP) Hammock, Laura
16 Comparative Wrist Morphology among Species of Chiroptera Robinson, Sarah
17 Comparing Minute Ventilation and Breathing Frequency Between Behaviorally Inhibited Individuals and Non-Inhibited Individuals When Breathing 7% CO2 Masini, Marissa
18 Constructing an Original American Pale Ale with the Usage of Honey as a Sweetening Agent to Balance Bitterness Murray, Rachel
19 Creative Kenosha? Measuring Community Tolerance through Alternative Methods Larson, Adam
20 CRUNCH - The Impact of Texture on Food Perception and Preference Markowski, Marisa
21 Destroy to Create: The Young Female Artist's Formation of Personal Identity Whitney, Olivia
22 Developing Geospatial Applications for a Smarter Carthage Community Whitman, Peter
23 Does A Woman's Relationship Status Affect Her Income? Keene, Hayley
24 Elucidating the Role of the sRNA C.0293 in the Bacterial Stress Respons Miner, Robert
25 Examining Atypical Vocal Production of Great Calls and Codas in White-handed Gibbons (Hylobates lar) Steffen, Alexandra
26 Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Changing the World of Retail Investing Capelli, Alexander
27 Exfoliating Molybdenum Disulfide from Large-Area Samples Krueger, Bradley
28 Feasibility Study For Heart Screenings Kirsch, Douglas
29 Female Deification: The Epic of Gilgamesh Rocha, Magdalena
30 Flag Symbolism in Communities McGrath, Devon
31 Fragmented REM Sleep Architecture and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Events in Behaviorally Inhibited Individuals Buchholz, Kirstyn
32 Hedberg Library Mural Salsieder, Paul
33 Hot dogs: Kenosha's Savior Figueredo, David
34 Impacts on Second Language Development, Attitude, and Motivation Through Integrating a Graphic Novel in the German Foreign Language (GFL) Classroom at College Level Weitzel, Helene
35 Importance of Teaching Aquaponics in Middle School Science McCloud, Samantha
36 Improving Neurite Outgrowth in Strokes Using a Cell Culture Model Casey, Elizabeth
37 Isolation and analysis of bacteriophages collected from the International Space Station Grams, Tristan
38 Isolation and Annotation of the Gordonia Bacteriophage Emianna Conover, Indirah
39 Learning by Teaching: A Multi-Faceted Experiment in Practices for Teaching History Freeman, Aaron
40 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Chiral Molecular Micelles Krause, Kevin
41 Multicultural Initiatives and Diversity at Carthage- Key Informant Interviews Hull, Samara
42 NG2 Knock-Out in Neu7 and A7 Astrocyte Cell Lines to Promote Neuronal Regeneration Hay, Arielle
43 NMR Investigation of the Effect of pH on Micelle Formation of the Surfactant L-Undecyl Phenylalaninate Rothbauer, Gabriel
44 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of the binding Ammonium Cations to Amino Acid Based Surfactants Tierney, John
45 Observing Very Low Frequency (VLF) Electromagnetic Waves as a Function of Altitude via RockSat-X Rice, Jordan
46 On Hobbes's Treatment of Punishment in Leviathan Tennyson, Timothy
47 Organic Synthesis of L-Leucine and L-phenylalanine O-acylated Amino Acid Surfactants to Examine Antibacterial Properties Szczepanski, Aileen
49 Perceptions and Policies Surrounding Cell Phone Use in the College Classroom Bartz, Logen
50 Perceptions of Talk Time Wilson, Shelby
51 Performing Identity in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray Zima, Heather
52 Portrayal of Millennials in the Public Sphere: A Data Comparison Across Generations Salerno, Maria
53 Prairie Grass Restoration: A Three Year Plan Bussian, Nicholas
54 Promoting Carthage Study Tours through Story Maps Durie, Troy
55 Recovering Spain’s Feminist Tradition: Frasquita Larrea (1775-1838) Morales, Maria
56 Reducing Resting Tidal Volume, Minute Ventilation, Frequency of Breath, and Heart Rate Through Training Grove, Amanda
57 Reflection over Convention: How Language Encourages Change in Jane Austen’s Persuasion Weir, Mary
58 Schoenberg's Colombine: The Unmasking of the Male Gaze Lampe, Sami
59 Short-Term Memory for Odors is Surprisingly Poor Wenzel, Elizabeth
60 Sugar: A Dietary Villain McGuinness, Kayla
61 Surfactants with Immobilized Catalysts for Micelle-Facilitated Organic Synthesis Szczodrowski, Austin
62 Surfactants with Reversible Linkers for Micelle-Facilitated Organic Synthesis Haggett, Jack
63 Temperate Warfare: Testing Sensitivity of Xeno Lysogen to Carthage College Bacteriophage Lysates Wenta, Meredyth
64 The Characterization, Genome Annotation, and Analysis of the Gordonia Bacteriophage Kurt Lewer, Owen
65 The Effect of Priming on Memory Recall in Linguistically Unbalanced Bilinguals Reyes, Grace
66 The Hunt to Characterize Gordonia Infecting Bacteriophage JiFall16 Amburn, Sarah
67 The In Vitro Analysis of Antimicrobial Producing Pseudomonas sps. Isolated from Lake Michigan DeCero, Samuel
68 The Liminality and Pluralism of Neo-Familism in South Korea: The Effects of Industrialization on Social Change Tyrrell, Jamie
69 The Love of Feminism in Memories of a Bachelor Neal, Bryanna
70 Trophic Cascades and Conservation: Analyzing the San Juan National Forest as a Potential Extension of the Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Program Utt, Rachel
71 Unintentional Segregation in Charter Schools Prather, Lauren
72 Using a Visual Writing Toolkit to Reach Target Populations Livingston, Jessica
73 Values of the West: Implications of Stakeholder Collaboration in Public Land Management O'Toole, Maggie
74 What Drives Real Estate Prices in Milwaukee? Stevenson, Quinn