Celebration of Scholars
Promo Wisco
Connor McComas
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Milwaukee
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
Funding: Private
Small businesses that cater towards nightlife do an impressive job of creating a first time customer draw, but the customer retention rate, while emphasizing the importance of a repeat customer is dwindling affecting the increase in sales and net worth of the business.
By creating a promotional company that will develop the brand equity of nightlife for a specific business your margin of sales, profitability, and representation as a brand will increase.
Small restaurants and nightclubs lack the promotional techniques and the ability to design effective marketing and advertising strategies that can create more than just a night spot, but create a return customer week in and week out.
Promo Wisco will focus on a specific target market to first instill equity within the brand of the business through its customer base. The venue will start small and then through marketing and rebranding, nightclubs will have an established spot in the weekend itinerary.
Somers House will be used as the mock up example of how I plan on providing consulting services, as well as specific strategy to encompass the completion of the business’s goal. An in depth marketing plan will be established for Somers House along with a business plan to get the company started. There are many innovative methods that venues are failing to implement and this research will discuss their applicability and application.