Celebration of Scholars
A Tale of Two Countries: War and Peace in the Middle East
Emily Landberg
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
The Palestinian refugee population has a great impact on countries that host a high percentage of Palestinian refugees. This refugee population has posed significant threats to their host countries, acting as a destabilizing force, and contributing to internal conflict and civil strife. Jordan and Lebanon are both countries which host large Palestinian refugee populations; however, their policies remain different. This research is significant because Lebanon’s Palestinian refugee population continues to cause internal tension today.
In order to find a solution leading to the stability of Lebanon, the formation of the unique Palestinian identity must first be examined. Following this, Jordanian policy will be examined in regards to how the country handled initial instability following the influx of refugees, but has now created a stable state encompassing both Jordanians and Palestinians. Next, the past and present state of Lebanon will be appraised. Palestinian contribution to the destabilization of the state will be evaluated, with detail given to the lengthy civil war. In conclusion, it is made clear that in order for Lebanon to transition into a stable country, the Jordanian model utilizing the human security approach should be used.