Celebration of Scholars
Art and Psychology
Jena Thomas
Major: Studio art and Psychology
Hometown: Hinsdale, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Kimberly Greene
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
The focus of my current work is the incorporation of
psychology and art. Studies in both areas and their confluence are reflected in
each other and characterized by two things important to both fields:
experimentation and curiosity.
For psychology, my experimentation dealt with the
importance of color and art medium in relation to stress. Participants were
asked to use two different art mediums, ceramics and drawing, with two
different options for the occurrence of color, present or absent. Their blood
pressures were recorded efore and after the session. The second blood pressure
was then subtracted from the initial blood pressure to generate the
participant’s scores. The results found systolic blood pressure, the measure
most important for stress reduction, as being most significant for an
interaction between the presence of color and clay.
For art, the focus of my work was the embodiment of ideas
rooted in experimentation and theories of psychology. One of the specific
concepts addressed in these terra-cotta art works is Sigmund Freud’s theory of
the id, ego, and superego are symbolized in a playful three-headed dog. The
first head, representing the id is a feral wolf driven and controlled by desire
and impulse. The opposite head, representing the superego is a Labrador guided
by the conscious ignoring impulse. The center head, representing the ego is an
alpha and Doberman and tries to satisfy desires of both the id and superego. Artworks inspired by other
psychological concepts include the theory of evolutionary attraction, amnesia,
and pica.