The Experience of a Lifetime
Haley Meents
Major: Screen Media Studies
Hometown: Bourbonnais, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors: Matthew Borden, Kari Duffy
Type of research: Course project
In January of 2014, my Explorations Beyond Tourism class went to the Dominican Republic to document and explore the culture through the lens of a camera. Professors Kari Duffy and Matt Borden accompanied our class and Professor Paul Chilsen assisted from home to make sure that we had adequate support. Because the Dominican Republic has a high tourism rate, the idea of the trip was to document the real culture and to interview the natives to try and see beyond what tourists see. We filmed our journey and each of my classmates produced a film to explain some aspect of the culture. My film explores the enormous change I underwent upon encountering the Dominican people; from the differences in our culture to experiencing the kindness and enthusiasm that Dominicans have for life, and lack of materialism. Through this J-Term trip, I was able to learn a lot about a foreign culture but even more about myself and as I said in the film, “…I will be reminded of my newfound humility and gratitude every time I turn on the sink, wash my clothes, boot up my laptop or walk into a classroom. So maybe instead of thinking this as an ending, I could like at this like a new journey.”
Please view my entire film at this link:
Poster file