The Effects of Video Supplementation in Classrooms
Abigail Kirby
Major: English
Hometown: McHenry, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Karin Sconzert
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Course project
For my research I focused on how video supplementation in the classroom affects learning and attitude during a lesson. I worked with a first year literature teacher at middle school and her 7th and 8th grade classes. I performed my study by prepping two videos myself on the two selected books, The Outsiders and Red Kayak that the students had read for class. The videos were shown before the lesson began, and I had every student fill out a survey answering questions about their experience and understanding, rating on a scale of one to five. The surveys had revealed that the videos had close to no impact on the students' understanding of the material, but was more engaging and increased a positive attitude for the rest of the lesson. The students noted enjoying having live action references from movie clips for The Outsiders, and also liked the large, colorful words that would appear on the screen for key words. I believe this research is significant due to the rise of technology both in and out of the classroom; not only are teachers showing videos in the classroom but more students are using outside video materials to gain easy and entertaining access to information. It is essential that educators understand how these new materials are affecting their classroom environment
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