Celebration of Scholars
The Effect of Music on Post Operative Stress in Dogs
Christine Petersen
Major: Music
Hometown: Rockford
Faculty Sponsor:
Corinne Ness
Other Sponsors: Mark Petering
Type of research: Senior thesis
The Effect of Music on Post Operative Stress in Dogs
This experiment seeks to identify if music has an effect on post
operative stress in dogs. Post operative stress is being observed because there
is a significant correlation between recovery time and post operative stress
measurements. What is unique about this experiment is it has NEVER been done
before. Similar studies have been conducted on humans to see the effect of
music on different kinds of stress, but never has an animal been tested to see
if the effect is similar or different. From a historical, theoretical, and
programmatic background Beethoven excerpts (from his middle classical period)
were chosen based on four conditions: a major key with a fast tempo, a major
key with a slow tempo, a minor key with a fast tempo, and a minor key with a
slow tempo. Via random assignment, dogs undergoing major invasive surgery
are played two minute excerpts of each condition while their heart rate and
blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) are measured every thirty
seconds. The experiment is still being finished, but the expected results
are that heart rate and blood pressure will increase with the minor key and
fast tempo as well as major key fast tempo. It is also predicted that the minor
key with the slow tempo as well as the major key with the slow tempo will
reduce heart rate and blood pressure.