Celebration of Scholars
Gordon: Concept Albums for the Stage
Jack Lambert
Major: Musical Theater
Hometown: Woodbury, MN
Faculty Sponsor:
Corinne Ness
Other Sponsors: Shapovalov, Dimitri
Type of research: SURE
Adapting a concept album for the stage is a powerful and underdeveloped method of musical theater creation used to convey important themes and values to society. This project specifically addresses the pursuit of greatness, what is sacrificed along the way, and the importance of paternal love. The production of “Gordon” challenges my proficiency in playwriting, music writing, directing, and musical theater. The project not only achieves an excellent and unique piece of theater, but gives me a broad range of skills necessary to succeed in my chosen field of directing and playwriting after Carthage. In January of 2014, I acquired exclusive rights from the Barenaked Ladies themselves to adapt their album Gordon into an original musical. The second step was synthesizing a script, requiring research of Aristotelian methods of writing, the structure of a musical, and the components of a concept album. Also, I needed to write the full score for the show by adapting it to piano, upright bass, acoustic guitar, and cajón. Using the SURE Grant as an opportunity, I was able to create the approximately 270 page libretto that would serve as the central focus for the project. The next steps included auditioning, casting, preparing my directing book, and technical needs. By January 2015, I began setting up my rehearsal calendar, rehearsing, and working towards performing the work in May 2015.