Celebration of Scholars
A Career is a Journey, Not a Predetermined Destination
Cami Christopulos
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Vernon Hills
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Course project
“Seeking truth to inspire the future’’ was the main focus
behind this research. The exploration of majors and careers within the college
domain provides individuals the chance to determine which path they want to
take in pursuit of fulfilling their highest potential. As such, this research
delved into three different careers within the education field: CFO, Strategic
Initiatives Coordinator, and Professional Development Coordinator. Scholarly
analyses and interviews were conducted for these positions. Our analysis
concluded that CFOs’ jobs within schools do not strictly deal with numbers, but
rather the position is more holistic in terms of working and communicating with
fellow staff members, and the community at large. The Strategic Initiatives
field revealed the necessity of developing close relationships for business
management in order to effectively carry out administrators’ visions and ideas.
The information gathered regarding Professional Development Coordinators illustrated
the importance of communicating change through one's leadership style. In
compiling this information, we developed a sounder idea of what each of
these professions entails; moreover, this assisted students in choosing career paths
that align best with individual passions and ideals to impact future