Celebration of Scholars
Understanding the Relevance and Impact of Trigger Warnings
Jacob Hurlburt
Major: Psychology
Hometown: Lombard
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Independent research
Research indicates warning labels arouse reactance in viewers of all ages (Bushman, 2006). Recently, Trigger Warnings (TWs) emerged as a new, controversial form of warning label with some arguing they contribute to “the coddling of the American mind” (Lukianoff & Haidt, 2015), while others claim they may facilitate discussion of difficult topics (Cares, Hirschel, & Williams, 2014). Despite these assertions, currently no research tests veracity of these ideas. However, research on other forms of content advisories suggest that the forbidden fruit hypothesis may apply (Bushman & Cantor, 2003). The current research examines the effects of TWs and content notes. Specifically, we explore undergraduates’ perceptions of the purpose of TWs. Secondly, we test whether prefacing an emotionally arousing article with a TW, content note, or no label effects participants’ self-reported interest in and engagement with the reading. Perceptions and reactions to the articles were assessed. Results and implications for classroom use of TWs are discussed.