Celebration of Scholars
The Steel Giant’s Emerald Heart: The Rise of Green Cities and the Federal Government’s Failure to Lead on Climate Change
Taylor Oanes
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Saint Charles, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Jerald Mast
Other Sponsors: Jeffrey Roberg
Type of research: Senior thesis
This thesis examines the significant rise in green cities that has occurred and attempts to understand what is generating this effect. Often cities are overlooked in the realm of politics and policy because within the National-State division of power, cities are clumped into the jurisdiction of the states. Cities, however, are creating programs to address the issue of climate change while the national government action continues to stagnate. This thesis will analyze the rise of green cities by creating a metric to show what qualifies as green and how much of an effect green cities are having on the issue of climate change. It will then compare this measure to qualitative data from all branches of the federal government. This will be completed to determine if the failure of the US Federal Government to lead solutions on urban environmental issues contributing to Climate Change is leading to an increase of green cities.