Celebration of Scholars
An Analysis of Intergenerational Economic Mobility
Thomas Hedin
Major: Economics
Hometown: Andover
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
This project examines the effect of parental
income on that of the child, a concept known as intergenerational economic mobility. It uses representative longitudinal data in 2 different ways. First, regression analysis is utilized to
estimate an individual’s placement in the income distribution based on where
their parents were placed in the distribution, as well as other factors
contributing to income. We focus on the regression coefficient of the parent's income measure to see how large of an effect it has on the child. Economic mobility for those growing up in different places in the distribution is compared using separate regression models. Secondly, mobility
matrices are constructed to see the likelihood of an individual moving from one
part of the distribution to another.
Then the patterns in these matrices are studied and compared to the
results from regression analysis to provide a more complete picture of mobility.