Celebration of Scholars
The Japanese Experience
Zachary Butera
Major: Biology
Hometown: Orland Park
Faculty Sponsor:
Yan Wang
Other Sponsors: Wenjie Sun
Type of research: Course project
Global Heritage Prize- Third Place
Japanese culture is explored and compared to North American culture. Through the use of a video slide show I talk about my experiences while traveling abroad in Japan and relate that back to cultural differences/traditions found here in America. Topics such as food, influence of technology/literature, and directly being able to physical see tradition in the environment were explored. While fundamental elements were the same to North American culture, it was quite different from what I was expecting to observe.
As a biology major I don’t get the opportunity to take to many classes outside of my major that often. When the opportunity came up to study abroad in Japan I couldn't pass it up. In my short time in Japan I found a new way to look at the world and challenge my traditional way of thinking. I also made life long friendships/connections with not only students within my group studying abroad but with students from Kode University and Tokyo University.