Celebration of Scholars
Schoenberg's Colombine: The Unmasking of the Male Gaze
Sami Lampe
Major: Music
Hometown: Janesville, WI
Faculty Sponsor:
Dimitri Shapovalov
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
My research will be a feminist musical
analysis of Arnold Schoenberg's "Colombine" from his song cycle Pierrot lunaire (1912). This form of feminist research has
not been done to Schoenberg's “Colombine.” It will display the male gaze in the
text of Albert Giraud’s original poem “Pierrot lunaire” and in Schoenberg’s
piece of the same title. The analysis brings to light the views of women being
passive at the beginning of the twentieth century as reflected in Schoenberg’s
suppressive treatment to Colombine, who once was a strong female theatre
character. In the music, I will focus on the contrasting characters of the
instruments, extreme dynamics, and the tensely dissonant nature of the piece.
During the piece, the character of Colombine transforms under the assertion of
the male gaze in the bipartite structure of the piece. Besides the music, my
analysis will look at the history of the commedia
dell’arte stock characters of
Colombine and Pierrot and their changing depictions from the sixteenth century
on to the time of Pierrot lunaire. My
sources will include their roles in Italian and French comedies, their
depictions in Rococo art, their inspiration for opera buffa, and their
treatments by Modernist artists. I hope that my research will bring awareness
to the subjectivity of women in the male dominated world of the twentieth