Celebration of Scholars
Flag Symbolism in Communities
Devon McGrath
Major: Communication & History
Hometown: Saint Paul, MN
Faculty Sponsor:
Lynn Brownson
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
Funding: n/a
study, Flag Symbolism in Communities, examines the importance of flags as symbols to express the identity of a
member of a community, and the community as a whole. The objective is to
determine how flags are able to communicate both a group’s identity and the
identity of an individual. The success of communication through the use of
flags is explored thorough adherence to the guidelines of flag design, the messages conveyed through the use of semiotics,
and the influence of symbols as a group unifier. This study evaluates the use
of flags in communities around the world, with emphasis on the divided nation of
Northern Ireland (NI) and the successes and failures of the flags used in the various communities across NI to express the identities of both individuals and the community. This thesis found that by displaying flags in various environments, a message is conveyed that expresses nationalism, political affiliation, heritage, and unity with others who display the same, or similar, symbols.