The Everything Store: An Analysis of Amazon’s Business Strategy and its Impact on Free Market Competition
Rachael Felton
Major: Accounting and Marketing
Hometown: Aurora, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
Abstract has
emerged as a market leader in almost every industry. From retailing to
entertainment production Amazon is everywhere and its reach is continuously
expanding. Consumers love the convenience, investors love the growth, and
suppliers love the sales. Although Amazon has made shopping more efficient, its
business model and activities threaten the existing structure of free market
competition. Its ruthless approach to business includes exploitation of its
suppliers’ sales data, creating direct-to-consumer distribution channels, and
predatory pricing, all funded by loyal investors who love the prospect of
future payout (despite subpar financial performance). The implementation of these tactics are
creating an environment for Amazon to become the sole distributor of products
across the globe. The purpose of this thesis is to bring awareness to the
dangers of Amazon’s business strategy as it threatens to eradicate
competition. Various news sources,
scholarly articles, law journals, documentaries, and financial statements were
utilized in analyzing Amazon’s strategy and its potential impact on the free
market. In conclusion, this thesis will communicate detailed information about
the flaws in current antitrust legislation and provide suggestions for revisions,
discuss the possibility of tax reform, and will study the free market’s ability
to self-correct in order to limit Amazon’s power and influence.
Poster file