Celebration of Scholars
Softening Budget Constraints in the US Economy
Troy Durie
Major: Economics
Hometown: Carlsbad, CA
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: SURE
This paper explores the concept of softening budget
constraints to answer the research question: are softening budget constraints
revealing themselves in the United States economy through certain indicators at
the firm level and causing a decline in firm dynamism? Softening budget
constraints, movement away from competitive markets, have been revealing
themselves through certain indicators of lessening financial strength. Additionally,
there are signs of a decline in firm dynamism defined as job creation from firm
entry and exit based on firm size and by industry. In an era of prolonged low
interest rates, there have been rising debt levels, but investment has not
increased simultaneously leading to low productivity levels, among other
factors. Firm level data reveals low-profitability firms are finding ways to
raise their debt levels despite their poor financial strength leading to an inefficient
use of this debt. This paper shows firm dynamism based on firm size and by
industry small firms are having less of an impact due to low competition, and
certain industries being impacted the most. Finally, there will be discussion
about some of the ways to alleviate this phenomenon to avoid a large rise of
zombie firms in the United States and implications of these policy suggestions.