Celebration of Scholars
China and the United States: Power Transition and the Role of the Superpower in the 21st Century
Barton Rosser
Major: Political Science and Chinese
Hometown: Northfield, IL
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Type of research: Senior thesis
For much of the 20th century, the United States enjoyed the status of global superpower. Now, China is poised to challenge that dominance. China will surpass the United States as the dominant global superpower in the near future, and it is possible for this transition to happen peacefully without any major military or economic conflict between the two nations.
This thesis will examine whether China can surpass the United States as a superpower, and how that can be done without causing major economic or military conflict with the United States. Power transition literature will be examined, and the theories presented by the literature will be compared to modern US/China relations. The qualifications of a superpower will be examined, and the military, economic, and political responsibilities of the USSR and twentieth century United States will be compared to modern day China. Ultimately, this paper will conclude that, while such a transition by China is unlikely in the near future, it is almost certain to be peaceful because of the strong economic links between the United States and China.