Celebration of Scholars
Canopy Near-Infrared Observing Project
Jeremiah Munson
Major: Physics
Hometown: Rushford, MN
Faculty Sponsor:
Kevin Crosby
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: SURE
Funding: Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium
Charles Gallagher
Major: Computer Science, Mathematics
Hometown: Roscoe, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Kevin Crosby
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: SURE
Funding: Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium
The Canopy Near-infrared Observing Project (CaNOP) is a CubeSat program funded through the NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium. The goal of the program is to design, build, and fly a shoebox-sized satellite that reproduces much of the functional capability of the Landsat series of earth-observing satellites. The CaNOP satellite utilizes a multispectral pushbroom imager with narrow spectral bands in the near infrared and optical bands to gather reflectance data from global forest regions with spectral resolution similar to the imager aboard the LandSat 8 platform. The data collected will be sufficient to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). The team has completed multiple design reviews and necessary documentation and has begun assembling and programing the CubeSat. CaNOP is manifested on an Orbital ATK mission to the International Space Station where it will be deployed into space from the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM).