Celebration of Scholars
The Emotive Function of Katakana in Internet Discourse
Thomas Morelli
Major: Japanese
Hometown: Kenosha
Faculty Sponsor:
Yan Wang
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
The Emotive Function of Katakana in Internet Discourse
My senior thesis was about the way a written script in Japanese called katakana is being used online to express emotion, a function katakana was not originally created for. Aside from preexisting research used to explain the regular use of the language and to back up my claims the research pertaining to this new usage was all collected by myself by taking examples of posts from the websites Twitter, the most used social media service in Japan, and Futaba Channel which is a Japan-only website. Using these examples I elaborated on how the script was being used in this new way and tried to explain the reasoning behind it. This also involved quite a bit of research into other aspects the language. I analyzed three different patterns I found regularly with this new usage of the script and came to a conclusion on why katakana was being used with them. I believe this work was unique in that it used current data and websites for the main part of the thesis, and that there is not much other research like it. Using as current as possible data is important for the study of language since it is continually evolving, which is why looking at discourse on the internet is such a great tool for studying exactly how it is evolving.