Celebration of Scholars
Directing The Glass Menagerie
Mitch Weindorf
Major: Theatre Performance, Directing (SD)
Hometown: Campbellsport, WI
Faculty Sponsor:
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Type of research: Senior thesis
This project examines and details the process of researching and directing the Carthage College production of The Glass Menagerie, which ran March 7-9, 2013. The year-long preparation and scope of the project includes research, the rehearsal process, and the design/technical applications. The project utilized research from a variety of sources including but not limited to classes, productions attended, textual research, and personal experience. A culmination of skills and experiences in acting, technical theatre, and directing courses was the first step in determining the concept for the show. Upon determining my concept, I moved on to exploring specific areas of research such as the playwright, Tennessee Williams, life, Bertolt Brecht’s epic theatre, a unique style of theatre popular in the modern era, and other aspects pertinent to the show. Once research was compiled, I collaborated with designers to organize the spine of the technical elements and then cast the show. After casting, rehearsals began on a nightly basis in which I shaped the action of the play until the show’s opening, March 7, 2013. The show sold out each night, with production team and audience “talk-backs” each evening and one preshow discussion before the Friday evening performance, which cultivated response and enlightened the audience further on the production.