Mundo Foods
Janix Varnell
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Kenosha WI
Faculty Sponsor:
Julio Rivera
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
The purpose of this business plan was to create a grocery store to fulfill food deserts in Kenosha, WI and encourage healthy eating to help rebuild communities. This business plan contains efforts to help reduce ongoing health issues that poverty and lack of educational resources may cause. In the United States, many minority families reside in areas that have limited access to full-service grocery stores and supermarkets (Fish, 2015). These areas are referred to as “food deserts”, which are considered to be urban or rural areas where it is difficult to purchase affordable, highly nutritious, and fresh food. Social disparities contribute greatly to having limited access to healthy and sustainable foods within a community. With this issue arising, these families have shown increasing rates of chronic diseases and obesity (Block, 2015). By assisting with the elimination of food deserts, Mundo Foods’ aim is to fill these voids in the Kenosha area and beyond. Mundo Foods will provide the growing minority population in the greater Kenosha area with the opportunity to express their cultural and traditional heritage. While doing so, these families will benefit greatly by having an established nourishing presence within their community.
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