Celebration of Scholars
Crisis Management in Small Businesses
Megan Maurer
Major: Public Relations and Communications
Hometown: Kenosha
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
Companies with the characteristics of a small business make up more than 90% of all enterprises in the United States. However, given the costs involved for small business owners, the businesses often do not have funds for public relations support nor the knowledge of how to create a crisis management plan. Though much research has been done on crisis management for large corporations and NGOs, the research on the importance of crisis management for small businesses is just beginning to emerge. This project reviewed the literature available and made an attempt to add to that literature by doing a survey and hypothetical case study of a relatable small businesses one may find back home. The hypothetical small business in question owned three restaurants where one came under fire for making domestic abuse jokes about a “real” domestic abuse case involving one of the managers. Social media makes it impossible to hide issues these days and it can spread information like wildfire if not handled soon or well enough. Looking at crisis management theory, current research, customers reactions, and a business’s response in this crisis, this project provided a comprehensive case study and contribution to research on small business crisis management.