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Student presentations must have a faculty sponsor.

Abstracts must include a title and a description of the research, scholarship, or creative work. The description should be 150-225 words in length and constructed in a format or style appropriate for the presenter’s discipline.

The following points should be addressed within the selected format or style for the abstract:

  • A clear statement of the problem or question you pursued, or the scholarly goal or creative theme achieved in your work.
  • A brief comment about the significance or uniqueness of the work.
  • A clear description of the methods used to achieve the purpose or goals for the work.
  • A statement of the conclusions, results, outcomes, or recommendations, or if the work is still in progress, the results you expect to report at the event.

Presenter photographs should be head and shoulder shots comparable to passport photos.

Additional Information

More information is available at The following are members of the Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Committee who are eager to listen to ideas and answer questions:

  • Jun Wang
  • Kim Instenes
  • John Kirk
  • Nora Nickels
  • Andrew Pustina
  • James Ripley

PECAAN PHAGE PIE: The Sequencing and Annotation of the Bacteriophage Velene’s Genome

Name: Asher Boucher
Major: Biology, Neuroscience
Hometown: Burlington, WI
Faculty Sponsor: Deborah Tobiason
Other Sponsors:  
Type of research: Course project
Funding: Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Name: Ashlynne Edwards
Major: Neuroscience
Hometown: Kenosha, WI
Faculty Sponsor: Deborah Tobiason
Other Sponsors:  
Type of research: Course project
Funding: Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Name: Mason Fanelle
Major: Biology
Hometown: Kenosha, WI
Faculty Sponsor: Deborah Tobiason
Other Sponsors:  
Type of research: Course project
Funding: Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Name: Letitia Siers
Major: Neuroscience
Hometown: Duluth, MN
Faculty Sponsor: Deborah Tobiason
Other Sponsors:  
Type of research: Course project
Funding: Howard Hughes Medical Institute


Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacterial hosts. The bacterial host Microbacterium foliorum was used as the host bacteria for the phage studied here. In the fall of 2018, phages were isolated at Carthage, purified, characterized, and 3 out of 58 phages were chosen for DNA analysis including Velene. Velene is a lytic, siphoviridae bacteriophage from cluster EA1. One of the goals of this project was to analyze the sequence of Velene’s genome. To this end, a combination of comparative tools and bioinformatic algorithms were used to determine the location, function, and features in the bacteriophage Velene. Annotation for the phage DNA sequence used comparative tools such as HHPRED, BLAST, and Phamerator to compare the similarity of this phage to other phages to identify similar functions and locations of genes. These comparisons expand on previous work performed by others. In addition to determining how Velene is related to other phages, the sequence was analyzed using gene prediction algorithms GeneMark and Glimmer which predict protein-encoding genes. The genome sequence and annotation of the bacteriophage will be combined and submitted to GenBank, which may become the basis of future experiments in the field of phage biology.

Poster file

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