Celebration of Scholars
Identifying & Analyzing Brand Advocacy in the Coffee Industry
Sarah Lyman
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Normal, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
Identifying and Analyzing Brand Advocacy in the Coffee Industry
The purpose of this thesis is to show the importance of brand advocacy and how one becomes a brand advocate in the coffee industry. This topic covers the coffee industry and the interaction between the consumer and the varying top craft coffee brands. This thesis would be beneficial to the studies in the market today because the coffee industry is a realm that reaches a large number of consumers, now ranging in ages from pre-teens to mature adulthood. Plunkett Analytics, consumer behavior analyses, company SWOT analyses, and competitive analysis were methods implemented to provide argumentative support. The data shows how the coffee industry is driving the marketplace in the United States today, but also for the future. Through word-of-mouth, aiding in promotional ideas, and creating positive public relations for products among the brands are just some of the ways to help qualitative forecasting within the industry. Looking quantitatively at the data, consumers are able to see which companies put their money where their mouth is for consumer investment, creating opportunity for growth on both ends. A brand has a specific persona, characteristic, and attitude that it carries. As a consumer, this is the impact point for advocacy. When looking to the future of the coffee industry and these companies moving forward is value.