Celebration of Scholars
The Influence of Pinterest Trends on Wedding Planning.
Emma Koenig
Major: Public Relations
Hometown: Lake in the Hills, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
This thesis is on the influence that Pinterest trends have on wedding planning. The purpose is to research if two trends on Pinterest are directly influencing brides planning their weddings. This study can help brides see if Pinterest trends are influencing their wedding planning. Pinterest is one of the largest social media platforms that has influence over wedding planning brides. Other forms of social media are used throughout the process, but Pinterest is most notably connected to wedding planning. Brides are very accepting of targeted marketing, in fact they specifically look at everything related to weddings. Brides are competitive by nature and want to have a wedding that is better than anyone else’s, therefore they are more receptive to any wedding media that comes their way. Research is conducted through the hypodermic-needle theory which explains that all inspiration found on Pinterest is accepted by brides who are wedding planning. To prove if these trends are influential to wedding planning a content analysis of Pinterest was conducted. Through the content analysis the researcher complied the first 20 pins on Pinterest for both “wedding centerpieces” and “wedding desserts.” The researcher’s goal was to first determine if the pins were made by a DIY bride or businesses. Then, the researcher determined if the pin was the traditional flower or cake, or if the pin had a non-traditional element. For a trend to be considered influential, it must have appeared more times in the content analysis than non-trend pins. It was hypothesized that Pinterest trends would be influential on brides, and that there would be more trend pins for both categories. All wedding material presented to brides is accepted and has some impact. The results explain that some trends are influencing brides while other trends are not as greatly influential.