Celebration of Scholars
Crafting a New Brand
Alanna Hurley
Major: Marketing and Graphic Design
Hometown: Chicago
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
This research explored the creative process, branding, and logo design regarding the current craft brewing industry in Chicago. Because Chicago is considered a hub for this commerce it has proven particularly difficult for companies to become and remain competitive in the crowded marketplace. Through research, published work, experience, and a study of Millennials ages 18-28, I explored the rebranding process and how it can influence product distinction and brand recognition through channels of consumer touch points. Specifically the value generated by redesigning the brand mark of the least competitive company in the study.
I analyzed how real consumers in the target market instinctively feel towards a brand, its mood, tone, voice, and story through different elements that comprise a logo. These elements are color, shape, typography, relevancy, simplicity, distinction, target market, innovation, and appeal.
It was found that companies with strict brand guidelines and management have higher brand recognition and loyalty, which is exceedingly important to the valuation of the brand by consumers. Branding is a visual representation of the value created by a company that the customer can actually interact with. These rebranding concepts were applied to Haymarket Brewery, the most ineffective brand mark in the study. A new brand book was constructed reflecting the influence each element of a brand mark and its collateral material has on the value of the company.