Innovative Campaigns and Success: How to Become the Best
Rachel Bergman
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Beloit
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
As the world of business continues to move at a
constantly accelerated pace, many organizations are looking for ways to edge
ahead of the competition. For those
seeking to identify which companies are going to yield the most success in the
future, there is no greater indicator than in the realm of advertising. Currently, the industry is moving towards a digital direction bringing
about new trends companies are adopting. Some include taking stands on societal
issues and making the brand more personal and relatable. Companies within the
beauty care industry have been trailblazers, creating innovative campaigns that have
disrupted the industry and begun conversations. The four focused upon in this research are Dove Men and Care, L’Oreal, Libresse, and Diesel Fashion. Through
in-depth creative analysis, it can be determined that to be successful agencies
need to drive value, take stands on underlying societal issues, and humanize
the brand to relate to the customer and gain a competitive edge. By comparing
the campaigns, it can be inferred what skills and techniques make a campaign
successful and the ability to predict which agency will come out on top in the
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