Celebration of Scholars
How is the World With Social Media Subconsciously Affecting Us?
Shannon Kebisek
Major: Elementary Education, Cross Categorical Special Education
Hometown: Brookfield, WI
Faculty Sponsor:
Jun Wang
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Independent research
Young adults ranging from the ages of eighteen to twenty five are wrapped up in the realm of social media. Social media platforms are the ideal way to stay connected with colleagues and relatives, effectively network, and even share your personal successes with hundreds of your closest friends and acquaintances. However, what happens if we dive in too deep into the world of social media? Research has indicated that an individual's mental health can be affected from too much screen time. Screen time can also be related to other negative effects including reduced self esteem, anxiety, and depression. The fear of missing out (FOMO) can lead individuals to stray away from who they are in order to conform to the masses.A literature review was conducted to carefully examine and synthesize the psychological and social effects of social media. A total of 10 articles published over the recent decade were included and synthesized in the literature review. The literature review aimed to identify some negative effects of social media on young adults as well as potential ways to combat the negative effects of the world of social media. Finally, the implications for young adults as well as teachers of K-12 students are discussed.