Celebration of Scholars
Curriculum Diversity within Higher Education
Cheyanne Stage
Major: Sociology
Hometown: Downers Grove
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
While universities are becoming much more diverse in regard to their student population, many of the materials and texts being chosen for curriculums are disproportionally written by white, male authors. The purpose of this study was to examine how diverse the syllabi are in higher education institutions. By utilizing the Open Syllabus Project, the syllabi for the Women’s studies programs of the top ten most prestigious private universities and the top ten most prestigious public universities were examined for the diversity of the authors. Through further analysis, it was revealed that the majority of authors whose books were used as curriculum within this discipline were that of white American females with PhD levels of education. The lack of diversity was visible and obvious. Disclosed within the research, recommendations would be to incorporate a vaster number of authors with various backgrounds, identities, lifestyles, and etc. in order to reach students of various backgrounds, identities, lifestyles, and etc. and foster a much more inclusive educational environment.