Celebration of Scholars
The Evolution of Sales Training: How Internal Business to Business Sales Training Is Evolving in Companies to Help Alleviate High Turnover in Their Sales Department
Marco Binotti
Major: Marketing/Management
Hometown: Marengo, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Senior thesis
Funding: None
Sales is one of the toughest yet most rewarding careers in the job market. Selling someone a product/service is a prestige skill that takes a whole career’s worth of sales experience to master. For that reason, companies face high turnover rates due to failure on the job. It costs companies millions of dollars to train, prepare and onboard employees. There wouldn’t be an issue if these employees were staying at these companies for their entire career. The issue is that the sales turnover rate is 35% per year in the United States.
This business paper examines the current issue that companies are facing when it comes to high turnover rates in their sales departments. It examines how companies are changing their sales training programs to an Individual/AI platform training to give specific and strategic feedback on how well the individual is prepared for the job. It gives an in-depth analysis on two well-known growing companies; Impact Networking LLC and Gartner Inc. It shows the steps that these companies are taking to continue to revolutionize their sales training programs to become most effective when preparing their sales employees for the job.
The most effective way for companies to ensure the success of their sales personnel as well as to ensure their retention is to provide them with the right training and mentorship. Companies need to personalize as much traditional/formal learning as possible. The process needs to be specific and individualistic in order to help generate more productive feedback for new employees, so they clearly know how to improve. This paper will provide full recommendations to companies large and small for training program changes that will improve retention and cost savings. These are the steps that companies must take to prepare their new employees for what can be a thrilling and exciting career in sales.