Celebration of Scholars
An Evaluation of Cambered Barbell Squat Variations and Their Inluences on 1RM and Kinetic Variables
Benjamin Nolan
Major: Exercise Science
Hometown: Prospect Heights, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Andrew (Tony) Pustina
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: SURE
The purpose of this study was to determine whether differences in peak force (PF) and mean concentric force (MF) exist between three squat conditions: 1) barbell back squat (BS), 2)safety bar back squat (SSB) 3) and a hand supported BS using the SSB (Hatfield Squat), at one-rep maximal (1RM) intensities. Five males (23 ± 5.37 yrs; 92.18 ± 3.34 kg; 187.96 ± 8.98 cm; relative 1RM BS: 1.5 ± 0.2 kg˖kg-1) volunteered to participate in the study. A 1RM was then determined within 3-4 maximal attempts. Differences between squat conditions were analyzed using a repeated-measures ANOVA and Cohen’s d. The main finding of the study was Hatfield squats allowed for higher loads, as well as higher peak and mean forces than the other two squat conditions. The increased stability provided in the Hatfield squat allows for an individual to more effectively use their leg musculature.