Celebration of Scholars
Hormonal Contraceptive Use on Factor V Leiden Gene Possessing Females and the Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Tabitha Long
Major: Athletic Training
Hometown: Kingston
Faculty Sponsor:
Laurie Jensen
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Course project
Background: The use of hormonal contraceptives (HC) causes an increased risk of venous thrombosis (VT). When paired with a diagnosis of Factor V Leiden (FVL), there may be an increased risk of venous thrombosis.
Method: After reading a compilation of clinical trials and case studies from a variation of scholarly sources such as pubmed and the American Heart Association, the information was gathered to examine the correlation of the population who takes HC and has a medical history of FVL. Terms including Factor V Leiden, birth control, hormonal birth control, DVT, and Deep vein thrombosis risk were used to search for the articles. Many articles had some information, but very few were actually able to be used for solid research. As a result, five articles were obtained for this research project.
Results: For the FVL mutation carrying population, taking a HC with a possibility of VT is at a slightly increased risk.
Conclusion: Due to the anticoagulant effect from the resistance against protein C in people with a medical diagnosis of FVL, there is a slightly increased risk of VT for those people who also use HC.