Celebration of Scholars
The Effects of Sleep on Injury in Athletes
Alexandre Lacrosse
Major: Athletic Training
Hometown: Gembloux, Belgium
Faculty Sponsor:
Laurie Jensen
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Course project
One of the most common injuries for athletes to sustain is a lateral ankle sprain. Specific factors, such as sleep, could affect the severity of the injury. This led to the research question whether less reported hours of sleep increase the severity of collegiate athletes' lateral ankle sprains in contact sports. Key terms including “sleep”, “injury” and “athletes” were used to search articles in some reliable online databases (PubMed, Cochrane, JSTOR etc.). As a result, 15 research articles were located and analyzed. Among them, many articles examined the effects of sleep on cognitive behavior, but only a few investigated the role of sleep on injury.
Comparisons were made from the available literature to draw conclusions on similarities, differences, and gaps in the research topic. Research found that there is insufficient information to directly answer the research question. However, it is clear that sleep seems to have an effect on the rate and risk of injuries. Healthcare professionals can use the current research to label sleep as a potential risk factor for injury, allowing for the implementation of screening and monitoring of sleep difficulty. On the other hand, further research is necessary to test the effects of key variables (amount of sleep) on certain outcomes (severity of lateral ankle sprain) in a specific population (collegiate athletes).