Celebration of Scholars
The menstrual cycle has an influence on ACL injuries in pubescent female athletes compared to prepubescent female athletes
Vanesa Acosta
Major: Athletic Training
Hometown: Gurnee
Faculty Sponsor:
Ashley Greenwood ’14
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Independent research
There are multiple risk factors that play a role in the risk of injury for female athletes, especially with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. The severity of this injury can be career ending. Youth participation in sports has been increasing over the years, and with an injury like this, it is concerning to know that the rise of ACL cases has also been increasing. Unfortunately, female athletes are predisposed to a higher risk of ACL injuries than male athletes. Due to this, multiple studies have been conducted to determine the risk factors that female athletes face. Research has shown that there are both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that partake in the higher risk of injury for female athletes.
The combination of increased youth participation and female athletes being more vulnerable, the question of whether the menstrual cycle has an influence on ACL injuries in pubescent female athletes compared to prepubescent female athletes arises. A total of fifteen articles were collected to determine if there was an age group that was at a higher risk and what could be done to decrease their exposure to this injury. The articles were collected using the database Pubmed, using keywords such ACL, prepubescent, pubescent, females, athletes, and risk of injury.
In essence, there was limited research on prepubescent athletes in general, but there was evidence comparing female athletes to male athletes in terms of the rate of this injury. The literature provided possible explanations with why female athletes might be predisposed to ACL injuries during the menstrual cycle. Trends such as knee laxity during menses, and the role contraceptives might have on the rate of injury.
This research aids Athletic Trainers in terms of implementing ACL preventative exercise programs for different age groups, educating not only athletes, but being a reference for their coaches as well.