Celebration of Scholars
Automating Video Analysis of Zebrafish Regeneration
Sophia Tajnai
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Racine
Faculty Sponsor:
Steven Henle
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: SURE
Funding: SURE
Zebrafish, or Danio rerio, are model organisms commonly used in
research. Though they are used in many areas of research, their nervous system
has regenerative abilities that can bring exciting research opportunities. Zebrafish
have the ability to regenerate their ocular nerve after significant damage and are studied in hopes to promote this effect in humans. One dilemma faced by
researchers is measuring the progress of optic nerve regeneration. The
Optokinetic Response (OKR) is a reflex that is shared by many creatures to help
stabilize the eye during visual tracking. Measuring the OKR in a zebrafish can
serve as an eye test to better understand the state of the optic nerve. Currently,
there is no efficient method to measure video of the OKR quantitatively. The
automation of video analysis for the OKR in adult zebrafish can be achieved by
utilizing image analysis functions from the python packages OpenCV and Scikit’s
image processing algorithms. A CSV file is produced that allows for graphical evidence
of eye movement and aids in furthering the regenerative research.