Celebration of Scholars
The Role of Wrist Supports in Prevention of Injury
Megan Mahlkuch
Major: Athletic Training
Hometown: Belleville, WI
Faculty Sponsor:
Ashley Greenwood ’14
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Course project
There is a high incidence of wrist injuries in collegiate athletes, but there is little information published on how to prevent such injuries. The literature review conducted examined if wearing wrist supports helps prevent injury in collegiate level athletes compared to not wearing wrist supports. Wrist supports are used to support and restrict movement in the wrist which is important in protecting against injuries in this area. This work is significant because the use of wrist supports will lower the number of wrist injuries obtained by collegiate athletes.
The literature review analyzed ten studies that have researched the usage of wrist orthoses and their usefulness in the prevention of wrist injuries. These recent, peer-reviewed articles were found using the Carthage library database using keywords such as “wrist support” and “prevention of wrist injuries”. The articles conducted experiments to determine which types of wrist supports are best for treatment versus prevention and if these supports should be used to prevent injuries in different sports. The collection of articles determined that wrist supports do offer help in the prevention of wrist injuries. Recommendations for future research is to determine which types of wrist supports are best for specific sports.