Celebration of Scholars
Peruvian Hearts: The Growth of Equality Against Machismo
Olivia Saccameno
Major: Psychology
Hometown: Bartlett, IL
Faculty Sponsor:
Maribel Morales Martinez
Other Sponsors:
Type of research: Course project
My project focuses on the indigenous cultures of Peruvian society and the traditions that they uphold today. It also brings awareness to the women of Perú and the machismo culture that they face daily. I discussed my subjective experience of the 2019 J-Term trip through a newspaper format along with pictures that are relevant to those days we visited. I took accounts from my daily journal that was a required assignment on this trip. My discipline for the journal focused on Women and Gender studies which included factors about social, environmental, and cultural impacts. I described the different lifestyles that the indigenous cultures have and how they are unique in their own ways. For the women of Perú, I explained the organizations we visited that promote the growth of equality whether it’s through the household, workforces, and schools in the country. The purpose of my project is to bring awareness of the Peruvian culture and share how fortunate people of Western cultures are in comparison.